A thrilling sci-fi adventure. Created by bringing dinosaurs back to life, the park turns deadly, testing humanity's limits and scientific ambitions.
A team returns to the dinosaur-infested island, uncovering new dangers and a hidden world of prehistoric creatures.
A rescue mission on another dinosaur island turns treacherous, pushing the boundaries of human survival and dino encounters.
"Jurassic World" (2015) resurrects the park. It's a dino-themed resort until genetically engineered creatures escape, leading to chaos and a fight for survival.
Sequel ventures into a dangerous rescue mission as the dormant volcano threatens dinosaurs.
A short film set in the Jurassic World universe. It explores the consequences of dinosaurs living among humans, resulting in an intense encounter.
This is the epic conclusion of the Jurassic saga. Dinosaurs roam freely, coexisting with humans, as a new threat emerges, demanding their survival.