Bullets, Blood, and Brilliance: 'John Wick'Inspired Cinema

Neo discovers a dystopian world controlled by machines and joins rebels in a mind-bending quest to free humanity.

The Matrix

A former black-ops operative, Robert McCall, seeks justice and redemption by helping those in need with his unique skills.

The Equalizer

Two elite assassins, played by Jet Li and Jason Statham, engage in a high-stakes and deadly game of vengeance.

War (2007)

A stylish and lethal MI6 spy, Lorraine Broughton, navigates a web of espionage in Cold War-era Berlin.

Atomic Blonde

The Fast and Furious team faces a vengeful villain while dealing with high-speed action and emotional farewells.

Furious 7

An FBI agent infiltrates a group of extreme sports-loving bank robbers, blurring the lines between duty and adrenaline-fueled thrills.

Point Break

A soldier caught in a time loop battles alien invaders, gaining skills and courage with each reset.

Edge of Tomorrow