Write For Us – Submit A Guest Post – GodofsmallThing
Want to contribute to a rapidly growing startup?
GodofSmallThing is a content-based website that offers you some of the most diverse content that you will find on a single website. We are a huge family of 150k+ over various platforms and have been around for over 4 years now. We are now accepting Guest Posts because we feel that it will give a newer flavor to our audience and a value add to our community of bloggers. The purpose here is to help you to connect to a newer audience base, share your thoughts, talents, and most importantly, give something back to the community.

Let us share a few more reasons why writing on Godofsmallthing is a good idea:
- We have over 1,50,000 people subscribed on various mediums (Email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).
- Godofsmallthing is a rapidly emerging website and ranks higher than most blogs that accept guest posts.
- We always believe in encouraging and promoting our guest writers, and hence display author pic and bio everywhere.
If you think your topic can be clubbed into one of our categories, that’s a good start and the foremost requirement. But, before you submit a guest post at Godofsmallthing, go through these guidelines to ensure that your post gets approved.
Rules for Guest Post on Godofsmallthing
Do not appear to be selling your websites, your products or your expertise. Give people something that is informative, entertaining, useful or meaningful. They’ll surely reach out to you when they like it.
All the content that you submit to be published on our blog needs to be unique. Unique means original, not plagiarized, written by you and not hosted elsewhere.
Ensure that the content to be published is new. Then obviously, you can cover topics that have been covered before, you can mention ideas that you believe in, relive moments you’ve lived before in the interest of the reader.
Using external links in the content of your article if necessary, should contribute to the overall reading experience. Minimal and relevant links to other resources that explain some concepts concisely are fine. Ensure that these are relevant and add to the enjoyment of reading.
We believe that the best judges are our audience. Therefore, we ensure that the articles are written for humans first, and later for the search engines. Do not lose the objective of writing while being SEO friendly. First, write for the audience, then move to optimization.
Style Guide:
The article should be no less than 800- 1000 words. The lower limit shall strictly be 800 words.
The title of the post should include initial caps. Ensure that it exceeds no more than 65-70 characters in length.
The subheadings should use H1, H2, etc. tags as required to be effective.
The body of the post should include lists and bullets for better readability.
Structure of the Post:
Keep the number of external links within the body of the article to 3. These can be increased upto 5 only with due discretion. One do-follow link will be allowed to your own blog.
Pictures submitted in the post needs to be in .jpg or .png format. These should be no larger than 600 pixels wide. Images submitted should be crisp and clear. Refrain from submitting hazy and blur images. Credit with the link of the source needs to be included at the bottom of the image.
Your headshot to be included in your Bio at the bottom of the article may be included up to 100-pixel x 100 pixels.
- BIO:
A brief author bio of you, within 100 words and can include a link. Contact information in the bio of your post can include your email address and your phone number.
Promoting Your Post
We include our content (including your article) in our feeds on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. It may be picked up (referred) by other websites with due mention.
- Please feel free to promote your article through links in social media, responding to any comments and enjoy the love. Do not then repost your content to your blog or anywhere else.
- It has to remain original article posted only on our website. You can, though, discuss it, describe it and provide a link to it. A snippet of the post can be added on your blog that links to the post on our blog and directs people back to the original piece.
Process for Submission:
1. Send us your article with images. Submissions can be done as HTML via .txt or use Word to submit the standard text. A word document is preferred.
2. You should then receive an email from us with acceptance and further instructions (if any) or a polite decline with comments.
3. If we request any information, clarification or edits, please respond on priority.
4. We will post it according to the best available strategic slot in our editorial calendar.
5. We reserve the right to edit the article for grammar, readability, relevance, voice, sources, and clarity.
6. Please note that the post will be live for 18 months , post which it will be subject to revision or purge.
Submit Your Guest blogs: Tomar_garima@godofsmallthing.com.
Please Note: We may add more relevant content to your blogs depending upon the characters. We hold all the rights to refrain ourselves from posting content that we feel is inappropriate or spreading any kind of false information over the Internet.