
101+ Broken Heart Quotes that you can relate with images

In life, you will meet many potential partners. But eventually, you’ll find out the one person, that perfect person with whom you’re destined for a lifetime of happiness. So, in the process, you might have to face a couple of heartbreaks. It’s natural to feel like your whole world has collapsed when this happens. We’ve all been there. And we’ve all moved on. You will too. Even then, if you feel you need to read something that can relate to your feeling, then heartbreak quotes are your rescue. Feeling like somebody broke your heart? Looking out to relate to some quotes to express yourself? Then, read on to some touching quotes about heartbreak. We hope these broken heart quotes will help heal your heart… Here are 101+ Quotes about broken hearts (Heartbreak Quotes) with Images in 2023.

1. “You are the only solution to all the sadness in my heart and awfully also, its cause.” By- Beau Taplin

In this beautiful heartbreak quote by Beau Taplin, he expresses how the person who broke his heart is the only fix to all his pain, while unfortunately also its cause.

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2. “Someone can be madly in love with you and still not be ready. They can love you in a way you have never been loved and still not join you on the bridge. And whatever their reasons you must leave.” By- Nayyirah Waheed

Being in love and committing for a lifetime are two different things. Until you find someone who can manage both for you harmoniously, you must leave. For your own peace.

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3. “The tragedy of love is in its ending, the blessing – everything else.” By- Akif Kichloo

The sad part of every love story is when it fails to remain forever. The good part is everything that happened right from the beginning to the sad part.

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4. “Maybe in some distant future, in another place, or even on another Earth, you and I could be more than just people we used to know.” By- R. M. Drake

In this beautiful heartbreak quote, the author hopes that he and his love interest could be more than just strangers in some other world, in some distant future.

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5. “Sometimes I think the human heart is just a simple shelf. There is only so much you can pile onto it before something falls off an edge and you are left to pick up the pieces.” By- Jodi Picoult

This a meaningful quote about heartbreak, indeed. In a distinctive metaphor, the author compares the heart to a shelf, on which only so much can be piled on until something falls off the edge and it is a catastrophe.

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6. “The heart will break, but broken live on.” By- Lord Byron

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Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you. *Let me help you a bit here are some* inspirational quotes about life to inspire you to keep going(we don’t have to give the entire title as a hyperlink.)

7. “A broken heart bleeds tears.” By- Steve Maraboli

The human heart pumps blood throughout the body. But according to the author, a broken heart bleeds in tears… Indeed heartbreaks are tough.

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8. “What is broken is broken – and I’d rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.” By- Margaret Mitchell

In a thoughtful quote, Margaret Mitchell explains how it is better to cherish the time when it was good, rather than trying to mend the broken pieces and accept it broken for a lifetime.

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9. “I will never be at ease while watching the sunset, knowing our stories will never end with the same words. All sunsets have their own story, it is just that ours will always fall incomplete.” By- R. M. Drake

When you are in love, every moment with that special person has a different touch to it. In the author’s words, sunsets might still be the same, but it would never be the same now with her absence.

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Broken heart quotes

10. “Just remember that sometimes the way you think about a person isn’t the way they actually are.” By- John Green

Your understanding of a human being is limited to your outlook on life and how much you really know them. But in reality, this person might be not exactly how you think them to be. So, it is always good to be prepared for the unexpected.

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11. “We don’t mean to hurt each other but we do. And perhaps no matter how right we are for each other, we’ll always be a little too wrong.” By- Beau Taplin

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Sometimes, even when we don’t mean to hurt our loved ones, we do. When it’s time to part ways, it’ll always feel like although you are meant for each other, you are also a little too wrong for each other. It is hard but healthy to move on.

12. “It’s strange. I felt less lonely when I didn’t know you.” By- Jean-Paul Sartre

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In this beautiful quote about heartbreak, the author describes how he feels a lot lonelier now that his loved one has left him. Some people leave that effect on us.

14. “And that’s the thing about people who mean everything they say. They think everyone else does too.” By- Khaled Hosseini

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This heartbreak quote strikes a chord. Some people are too naïve and sincere when dealing with others that they mean everything they say. That’s fine. The trouble though, is that they expect others to do so too.

15. “After all, how many of us had tried to forget something traumatic, only to find it printed on the back of our eyelids, tattooed on our tongues?” By- Jodi Picoult

Some memories, some events, some people; they don’t just leave your head, no matter how hard you try.

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16. “It is strange how often a heart must be broken before the years can make it wise.” By- Sara Teasdale

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A peculiar truth is expressed in this beautiful broken heart quote. It takes quite some filthy heartbreaks until you finally become wise.

17. “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.” By- Richard Puz

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Death and love; two deep, powerful truths. While death can sometimes leave irreparable damage to the living, love leaves a trail in the heart that no one can erase.

18. “Find out what you love and let it kill you.” By- Charles Bukowski

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That’s how love is. You fall into it, and slowly, you can’t find a way to get up again. According to Bukowski, that’s how you live. Find something you love and let it kill you…

So, it’s up to you whether you want to be *someone who is known to be a broken soul* broken heart or breaks people’s hearts. Meanwhile, read this blog 101+ Positive Attitude Quotes 

19. “All good things in life are fragile and easily lost.” By- Khaled Hosseini

All things in life are fragile and easily lost. And yet, we notice only the good things to be so because we grow attached to the good.

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20. “I love. I hurt and then, I let go. This is how I feel everything.” By- R. M. Drake

It’s easier to love when one is prepared to get hurt and then to let go of what they love.

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21. “It is a frightening thought, that in one fraction of a moment, you can fall in the kind of love that takes a lifetime to get over.” By- Beau Taplin

Love is a delicate emotion. It is easier to fall in love, but relatively a lot harder to endure the pain from heartbreak. And it’s terrifying to think that we fall in love in a fraction of a moment, which can take forever to get over with.

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22. “Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been’.” By- John Greenleaf Whittier

Regret is the worst of all feelings. There is always something we could have done better with our past. And when it comes to love, the saddest line of them all is ‘it might have been’.

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23. “Ours was not the saddest story. Some people don’t even get to taste love.” By- Akif Kichloo

Akif Kichloo strikes deeply with this heartbreak quote. Though we might feel like the story we shared with someone else was pointless, we can always look at the bright side that at least we met someone to share this story with.

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24. “There are some things that I still cannot fathom like how I lost you before you arrived and how you said goodbye before I had the chance to say hello.” By- R. M. Drake

Sometimes, relationships fly by and before you know it, it’s time to part ways. The author wonders how he lost his love before she even arrived, and how she said goodbye before they were about to get to a better place.

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25. “Superheroes were born in the minds of people desperate to be rescued.” By- Jodi Picoult

The pain from isolation and rejection sometimes induces the need to be rescued. According to Jodi Picoult, superheroes were born from the imagination of those who desperately felt the need to be rescued.

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26. “Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” By- Marilyn Monroe

Sometimes, it’s good that you had a heartbreak. Had you not broken your heart, how will you have found a better soul, a more deserving soul to share your soul with?

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27. “Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake and help us see we are worth so much more than we’re settling for.” By- Mandy Hale

You deserve a lot more than someone who hurt you without reason. This heartbreak is just a reminder of that. It’s good that you’re getting hurt now. Because this pain will open doors for better choices in the future.

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28. “If you expect nothing from somebody you are never disappointed.” By- Sylvia Plath

Expectations are the root of all pain. If you expect nothing, you will not feel sad about something that someone didn’t do for you.

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29. “The past held only this wisdom: that love was a damaging mistake, and its accomplice, hope, a treacherous illusion.” By- Khaled Hosseini

A lesson to learn from the past, according to Khaled Hosseini is that love is a mistake that hurts, and hope is an illusion that cheats.

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30. “It’s just that I learned a while ago that the best way to get people to like you is not to like them too much.” By- John Green

Never trade your self-respect no matter how much you like a person. It only sends out a message that you value yourself less. So, they too end up valuing you less.

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31. “I plant roots so deeply in the people I love that I always lose a piece of myself when they go.”

By- Beau Taplin

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Sometimes when a relationship ends, they take with them a part of you. And the scar remains a lesson that one must not trust too much.

32. “She struggled with her sadness, but tried to conceal it, to divide it into smaller and smaller parts and scatter these in places she thought no one would find them.”

By- Nicole Krauss

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This deep heartbreak quote describes how most of us try to hide how we feel. We seem to divide them into smaller pieces and scatter them in different places. But somehow, the roots of these pieces seem to know their way back to our hearts.

33. “My lonely will always look for your lonely.”

By- Akif Kichloo

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Akif Kichloo expresses his depth of agony in this broken heart quote. He assures his loved one that his lonely self will always look for that of his loved ones even if they part.

34. “You know what really gets me about all of this, is that I was fine before you, maybe happy even. Just kind of existing in the middle. But you show up, uninvited but welcome, make everything all bright and shiny. And then you left and now everything is grey.”

By- R. M. Drake

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Some people come into our lives to give the usual grey a darker touch. Or perhaps it seems darker because they lightened it up when they stayed.

35. “Love is short, forgetting is so long.”

By- Pablo Neruda

Love no matter how many years it lasts, seems like was too short. While forgetting seems like forever.

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36. “Hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable.”

By- The Wizard of Oz

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Hearts will always be fragile and illogical until they are made in a way that they cannot be broken.

37. “One day, you’re going to remember me and how much I loved you… then you’re gonna hate yourself for letting me go.”

By- Aubrey Drake Graham

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This is perhaps what each one of us who loved deeply has to say to the one who left us midway. That one day they’ll realize they had left a gem while busy gathering mere pebbles.

38. “You can only lose what you cling to.”

By- Buddha

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You get hurt only when you expect another person to do something for you, or to make you happy, or even to just reciprocate what you feel for them.

39. “Of all the hardships a person had to face, none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting.”

By- Khaled Hosseini

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Loving is hard. Forgetting is harder. But if something tops them all, it’s waiting.

40. “At some point, you just pull off the band-aid and it hurts, but then it’s over and you’re relieved.”

By- John Green

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It’ll hurt to pull the band-aid off. But do it. And for once and for all, it’s over.

41. “Pro-life tip: If you learn how to stop looking at human beings like belongings you won’t feel so robbed when they leave.”

By- Beau Taplin

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In this ‘heartbreak quote for Her’ by Beau Taplin, we learn a meaningful tip about relationships. Stop assuming that people like objects belong to you. They are free, self-reliant individuals. And if you do that, you won’t feel so betrayed when they leave.

42. “I am deathly afraid of almosts. Of coming so very close to where I want to be in life that I can almost taste it, almost touch it, then falling just a little short.”

By- Beau Taplin

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‘Almosts’ hurt. To come so close to where you want to reach and then fall off the edge can be brutal.

43. “We were never a match; always a marvellous misfit.”

By- Akif Kichloo

You need not always be the perfect match, the ‘made for each other’. Marvellous misfits have their own charm!

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44. “As she walked away, I finally understood the most courageous thing to do was to let another person love you.”

By- R. M. Drake

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What is it if not courage to love another person knowing that one day, they might leave you broken?

45. “Well, now if little by little you stop loving me, I shall stop loving you little by little. If suddenly you forget me do not look for me for, I shall already have forgotten you.”

By- Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda expresses how sometimes we try to display our heartbreak coldly that if they stop loving us, we might stop loving them too, and if they forget us, we might have already forgotten them.

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46. “I’d rather have a broken arm than a broken heart.”

By- Christie Brinkley

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Anyone who’s been in love knows that a broken arm is hundred times easier to deal with than a broken heart.

47. “This time I wouldn’t forget him, because I couldn’t ever forgive him – for breaking my heart twice.”

By- James Patterson

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To forget, the human mind needs to forgive. And how would one forgive someone who has broken their heart twice?

48. “The shattering of a heart when being broken is the loudest quiet ever.”

By- Carroll Bryant

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In a deep and beautiful line, Carroll Bryant expresses the agony of heartbreak. Rightly said, the shattering of a breaking heart is indeed the loudest quiet of them all.

49. “I was a patient who cannot tell the doctor where it hurts, only that it does.”

By- Khaled Hosseini

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Khaled Hosseini describes how it is impossible to describe the pain of heartbreak. If you were to go to a doctor for the same, you could never explain where it hurts, but that it does.

50. “If people could see me the way I see myself – if they could live in my memories – would anyone love me?”

By- John Green

In a truly depressing quote, John Green puts into words the misery of a lonely heart; that if anyone would love them, and if they could understand who they were from within.

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51. “’ How do we know when it’s time to move?’ Simple, we don’t. Because it’s not our decision to make. You can’t persuade a heart to abandon a feeling any more than you could convince a fire to cool down. If you ever feel like moving on is a choice, then evidently you already have.”

By- Beau Taplin

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Moving on is a natural process and it takes its own time for different people. You cannot speed it up. Take your own time, but do move on for your own health.  

52. “Some people feel like they don’t deserve love. They walk away quietly into empty spaces, trying to close the gaps of the past.”

By- Jon Krakauer

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Every time someone betrays you, you feel like you are undeserving to love. You close the gaps to the past and to the future restricting any chance for love to bloom again. In reality, you’re just mistaken. It’s not that you don’t deserve love. It’s that they didn’t deserve you.

53. “I have not broken your heart – you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine.”

By- Emily Bronte

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No matter who broke whose heart, a broken heart never gives out the love that it once did.

54. “Maybe we feel empty because we leave pieces of ourselves in all the things we used to love.”

By- R. M. Drake

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In a beautiful heartbreak quote, R.M. Drake expresses a plain truth. One reason why we might feel so lonely and empty might be because we fall in love too often, and leave parts of ourselves in everything we loved and lost.

55. “Take bread away from me, if you wish, take air away, but do not take from me your laughter.”

By- Pablo Neruda

In a heart-warming line, Pablo Neruda strikes again. The words reflect the agony of having to give up the laughter of the person you love.

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56. “When your heart is broken, your boats are burned: nothing matters anymore. It is the end of happiness and the beginning of peace.”

By- George Bernard Shaw

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George Bernard Shaw is one of the greatest writers of all time. In this marvellous broken heart quote, he tells us how heartbreak though might cause the end of happiness, ultimately leads to the beginning of peace.

57. “Doctoring her seemed to her as absurd as putting together the pieces of a broken vase. Her heart was broken. Why would they try to cure her with pills and powders?”

By- Leo Tolstoy

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Pills and powders might cure a broken limb, but not a broken heart. A broken heart needs love to feel alive again.

58. “Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.”

By- Dalai Lama

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In this mindfulness quote, Dalai Lama shares with us a rare truth. Although it might seem like the world is falling apart right now, sometime in the future you might realize that this heartbreak was a blessing in disguise.

59. “It is so hard to leave – until you leave. And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world.”

By- John Green

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It is always hard to take the first step. But once that’s done, there is nothing easier, healthier and more fulfilling than leaving a toxic relationship.

60. “Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.”

By- Mary Oliver

Sometimes, it might be a box full of darkness and pain that your loved one will give you. According to Mary Oliver, with time, you’ll realize that too was a wonderful gift. After all, it’s the struggle and pain that reveals strength.

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61. “You’ll save yourself a lot of heartache by understanding that falling in love without love reciprocated is just falling.”

By- Beau Taplin

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A beautiful expression indeed. Falling in unrequited love is just falling. You’ll just hurt yourself in that fall.

62. “Nothing grieves more deeply or pathetically than one half of a great love that isn’t meant to be.”

By- Gregory David Roberts

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It is great to be in love. But it is healthier to walk away from one-sided love. You need not wait for acceptance from someone when you already are so amazing!

63. “We need never be ashamed of our tears.”

By- Charles Dickens

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Wisdom from Dickens. Tears help the brain to calm down. Cry, if you must. Your tears don’t reflect your weakness, but the contrary.

64. “We must always welcome the end of all things. For sometimes knowing nothing lasts forever is the only way we can learn to fall in love with all the moments, and all the people, that are meant to take our breath away.”

By- R. M. Drake

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Nothing is permanent in life. Sometimes, this thought might seem terrifying. But on the bright side, understanding this truth can help us realize the value of the people and moments we have in our life.

65. “It was my destiny to love and say goodbye.”

By- Pablo Neruda

Nothing happens in vain. It might be your destiny to have a wonderful love story with a person, and yet to say goodbye. Accept and cherish the good. Learn from the pain. Move on to a better start.

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66. “There are many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts broken by love, but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream – whatever that dream might be.”

By- Pearl S. Buck

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Heartbreak in reality is when you take away the dream; that dream which the heart harboured. That is the reason it hurts so much.

67. “A broken heart is just the growing pains necessary so that you can love more completely when the real thing comes along.”

By- J.S.B. Morse

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In this reassuring heartbreak quote, we learn that heartbreak is just part of the process of getting ready when the real thing comes along.

68. “Only time can heal a broken heart.”

By- Anonymous

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Time is the most powerful healer. With time, we find peace if we are ready to seek it.

69. “The marks humans leave are too often scars.”

By- John Green

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When people leave, they leave a mark on our hearts. More often, these are scars that remind us of the pain we dealt with when they left.

70. “He wished he’d learned long ago how to put into words the feeling that if she was gone if she ever left, he would cease to exist.”

By- Jodi Picoult

In this heart-warming quote about heartbreak, Jodi Picoult states the truth that, in true love, it almost seems impossible to exist when love ceases to reciprocate.

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71. “One of the cruellest things you can do to another person is pretending you care about them more than you really do.”

By- Douglas Coupland

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A fact indeed. The cruellest thing to do to a person is to act as if you care for them more than you actually do. It’s a clear betrayal. It’s disregard for their feelings.

72. “Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”

By- Kahlil Gibran

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Kahlil Gibran states a plain truth in this heartbreak quote. There is no better way to know the depth of love than at the hour of separation.

73. “I wish you to know that you have been the last dream of my soul.”

By- Charles Dickens

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In this beautiful line, Charles Dickens portrays the undying pain of a heart in true love.

74. “She had the power to change the world but she couldn’t save the one she loved.”

By- R. M. Drake

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The irony of love is that you might be a winner at everything else in the world, but still, at love, you might fail.

75. “Let us forget with generosity those who cannot love us.”

By- Pablo Neruda

There’s no point in holding a grudge against a person you love, just because they can’t reciprocate your love. Forgive them. Forgive yourself for expecting from them. Move on.

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76. “I wish I were a little girl again because skinned knees are easier to fix than a broken heart.”

By- Julia Roberts

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Julia Roberts talked for all of us when she said this line. Indeed, although skinned knees were a nightmare back in childhood, we’d easily trade the pain of heartbreak with it, if we could now, as adults.

77. “It’s hard asking someone with a broken heart to fall in love again.”

By- Eric Kripke

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When a relationship fails, some part of you becomes cautious to prevent you from this painful experience in the future. It’s only natural to feel harder to fall in love again. But that doesn’t mean you should avoid new stories. Because there is a high chance that this new person might be your soulmate! And you’ll never know if you don’t find out.

78. “One makes mistakes; that is life. But it is never a mistake to have loved.”

By- Romain Rolland

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Mistakes are what make us better human beings. But to love, is never a mistake. Selfless love is the noblest of all emotions.

79. “Sometimes people don’t understand the promises when they make them.”

By- John Green

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It might not be possible to fulfil all the promises you make. So, make only those that you are very sure you can fulfil. Breaking a promise is but betrayal. It’s treachery.

80. “After a certain point, a heart with so many stress fractures can never be anything but broken.”

By- Jodi Picoult

After so many events of pain, the heart is more likely to be broken, to have irreparable damage. And yet, the heart that has hope can relive brighter days again.

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81. “Tonight I can write the saddest lines, I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too.”

By- Pablo Neruda

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The saddest lines in literature are perhaps mostly those that describe unrequited love.

82. “It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone. But it takes a lifetime to forget someone.”

By- Kahlil Gibran

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Getting infatuated, growing fond of someone and falling in and sharing love is easier, compared to the struggle of forgetting a loved one.

83. “She broke her own heart holding onto him.”

By- R. H. Sin

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Sometimes, it’s healthier to move on than to try and retry multiple times on a relationship that can’t be mended. You might do more damage to yourself by clinging on.

84. “Maybe I hope too much. Maybe I dream too much or maybe I love too much to just give up on you.”

By- R. M. Drake

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It is hard to give up on someone whom you loved with all your heart. To walk out of a relationship you once treasured is a painful thing to go through.  

85. “Sometimes human beings have to just sit in one place and hurt.”

By- David Foster Wallace

David Foster Wallace speaks a harsh truth in this quote about heartbreak. Sometimes, the only way to heal is to go through that pain. To experience it all until it eventually ends.

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86. “When your heart is broken, you plant seeds in the cracks and you pray for rain.”

By- Andrea Gibson

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When your heart gets broken, it’s unlikely to give up hope. Somewhere deep in your heart, you hope and pray that love sprouts again from the mess.

87. “Never love with all your heart, it only ends in aching.”

By- Countee Cullen


Keep some room in your heart for the unexpected, for the pain. It’s a lot easier that way to deal with it if it has to come.

88. “You know it’s love when all you want is for that person to be happy, even if you’re not part of their happiness.”

By- Julia Roberts

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When you are in true love, it only matters if the person you love is happy. Even if you aren’t a part of their happiness.

89. “Shouldn’t letting go be painless if you’ve never learned how to hold on?”

By- John Green

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We all know that expectations hurt. And yet, it is easy said than done. Somewhere in our hearts, we expect the people we love to make us happy, to make us feel like we matter. And when those don’t meet reality, our hearts get wounded.

90. “Do you know what it’s like to give your whole heart to boot, until you’ve got nothing left to give – and then realize that it still isn’t what they need?”

By- Jodi Picoult

Some people never get satisfied, no matter how much you give. When you realize that they don’t acknowledge the sacrifices you make to see them happy, it’s time that you make a healthier choice and move on.

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91. “Time was passing like a hand waving from a train I wanted to be on. Hope you never have to think about anything as much as I think about you.”Jonathan Safran Foer

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When you walk away, it won’t be easy at first. In fact, it would be dreadful with the memories and the “could-have-been”. You’d wish to think of things other than just that person.

92. “He who seeks ecstasy in love should not complain of suffering.”Kahlil Gibran

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With attachment, comes the risk of detachment. Anyone who seeks pleasure in love should not complain of pain, according to Kahlil Gibran.

93. “Maybe one day we’ll find that place where you and I could be together. And we’ll catch our dreams within the waves of change. So smile for me one last time and believe that we’ll meet again. Until then, I’ll be missing you.”R. M. Drake

Quotes about heartbreak
Broken heart quotes

Somewhere deep down we still hope to have another beautiful moment with the person whom we walked away from. Sometime in the future, in some different land, just once again, maybe.

94. “I had to learn to live without you and I couldn’t make sense of it, because I left so much of me inside of you.”R. M. Drake

Heartbreak quotes
Broken heart quotes

When we love with all our hearts, we leave behind a good part of us in the person we love. And to learn to live without them becomes to learn to live without that part of ourselves, which is why it’s so hard.

95. “Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. The pain of love lasts a lifetime.”Bette Davis

All the good moments in a loving relationship will always seem short-lived. But the pain from when it all falls apart? Well, that’ll seem to last a lifetime.

Heartbreak quotes for her
Broken heart quotes

96. “Someday you’re gonna look back on this moment of your life as such a sweet time of grieving. You’ll see that you were in mourning and your heart was broken, but your life was changing.”Elizabeth Gilbert

Heartbreak quotes for her
Broken heart quotes

Everything that’s hurting today will prove to be a guide for tomorrow. Every single time that your heart gets broken, you are learning something new about life. If you take the lesson home, you grow stronger as a person.

97. “You can’t buy love, but you can pay heavily for it.”Henny Youngman

Broken heart quotes
Broken heart quotes

There’s no way to purchase the love of a person. And yet, you can pay heavily in tears for loving someone.

98. “If you’re brave enough to love someone, then you’re strong enough to get over them.”Anonymous

Heartbreak quotes
Broken heart quotes

If you have loved them with all your heart, you are stronger than you think to move on from them. Because love doesn’t weaken you, it does the opposite.

99. “That’s the thing about pain. It demands to be felt.”John Green

Broken heart quotes
Broken heart quotes

Some people postpone feeling pain. They try to hide from it, or they try to fix it temporarily. But the best way to deal with pain is to just be patient and hurt. Eventually, it’ll slide off. And as it does, it’ll leave behind a lesson; a lesson that you won’t forget for a lifetime.

100. “We are all prisoners but some of us are in cells with windows and some without.”Kahlil Gibran

We are all prisoners. While some of us are in cells with windows, some of us are in the cells of agony brought about by our own minds.

Heartbreak quotes
Broken heart quotes

101. “I didn’t leave because I stopped loving you. I left because the longer I stayed the less I loved myself.”Rupi Kaur

Heartbreak quotes for her
Broken heart quotes

You shouldn’t feel guilty because you walked out of a toxic relationship. You might still be loving this person. But you must consider loving yourself too. And to love yourself, you need to make the healthy choice of moving on.

102. “The wound is the place where the light enters you.”Rumi

Let it hurt now. Don’t restrict the free flow of emotions. Accept your pain. According to Rumi, the wound is the place where the light enters you. So, the same pain will one day become your strength. To a stronger you!

Heartbreak quotes
Broken heart quotes

Some Frequently Asked Questions

What do you say when you’re heartbroken?

Though one of the hardest feelings to endure, heartbreak can be dealt with with a calm head. In my opinion, here are a few things to say to yourself to calm your mind when you’re heartbroken:
What you’re going through now is not permanent. With time, it’ll get better. But for your mind to make peace with it, you must be willing to let go. Breathe. Don’t restrict your sorrow and pain, but accept them and let go.
Indeed, the heart will go through some tough times. But it will get better with time.
1. This shall also pass…
2. The more you cared, the stronger you are to move on
It’s true that those who cared more find it harder to move on. But they have a blessing. Their loyalty and strength of character make them stronger to move on to new horizons

What are the side effects of a broken heart?

Heartbreak, like any other setback, can either break you or make you. That solely depends on your decision whether how to deal with it. If you choose to endure your pain and look back at the areas in your attitude that need improvement, you can definitely emerge stronger. Here are some of the more common side effects of a broken heart:
Indifference to life events
Loss of faith and confidence to commit to newer relationships
Sudden changes in body weight
Disturbed sleep patterns
Reduced self-respect

What causes the feeling of a broken heart?

Heartbreak is mostly a result of feeling that your special someone doesn’t value or love you as much as they did once. It is also caused by intentional betrayal by the person you trust. Heartbreak is said to create the same impact as the pain caused by a physical injury. The feeling that all the expectations, effort and time you invested for a person wasn’t worth it, results in the feeling of extreme loss.

What are some sad quotes?

In my personal opinion, the following are some of the most heartfelt sad quotes:
“Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody.” By Stephen Chbosky
“It’s sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew.” By Henry Rollins
These quotes speak volumes about the pain of the heart when dealing with the loss of love in life.

How do you stop feeling heartbroken?

Many times, it is easier to deal with pain when we dare to laugh at ourselves. The author expresses how he hides his pain behind his laughter for the love that was never meant to be.
There is no written way to stop feeling heartbroken. The best way to heal is to accept the pain you’re going through and believe in yourself. Never let anyone or anything damage your self-esteem.

How long does a broken heart take to heal?

The time to heal and move on from heartbreak cannot be exactly determined, as it is different for each person. The more you were attached to that person, the more time you may need to move on. Some studies suggest that it takes about 3 months to let go and move on from the pain. The idea is to not lose faith in yourself and your capabilities.

What’s the saddest word?

In my personal opinion, some of the saddest words in the language are: ‘Painful’, ‘Lonely’, ‘Bye’, ‘Almost’, etc. These words describe the feeling when dreams are broken and expectations come back as regrets to haunt your mind.

What is the most powerful quote?

According to me, the most powerful quote that I relate to is
“A ship in harbour is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.” By John A. Shedd
The quote inspires me to venture out of my comfort zone and do the things that I fear.

What are some deep quotes?

Some of the best deep quotes in my personal opinion are:
“If you feel like you don’t fit in this world, it is because you are here to help create a new one.” By anonymous.
“War doesn’t determine who’s right. War determines who’s left.” By Bertrand Russell
I find these quotes very helpful in dealing with life’s setbacks.

How do you get over someone you love deeply?

It is not easy to move on from someone you love deeply. But since you have arrived at a point where you have to, it just means that you have to do so for the happiness of this person. Even if you’re not part of this happiness. Anything for the person you love, right?

How do guys deal with heartbreak?

It was only fair when John Gray said ‘Men are from Mars, women are from Venus’. Men and women deal with emotions very differently. While women would rather actually express the pain, thereby finding help from friends or loved ones to cope with it, men tend to bottle it up. Although they feel the pain with the same intensity as women, they will generally keep their emotions to themselves.

How do I get over the love of my life?

One of the best ways to move on is to understand that this is not the end of your happiness. Use this time to know more about yourself, to explore and have adventures on your own, and find the purpose of your life. Learn to love yourself so that you can find someone soon who does the same, and you can share that love with each other.

What is the best quote ever?

There are many wonderful quotes by great people whom I love. One of the best among them is
“Good judgement comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgement.” By Will Rogers

What is beautiful in life?

Life is in itself one of the most beautiful opportunities you can have. Love is the most beautiful aspect of life, which gives it meaning. Dreams are that aspect of life, which motivates you to do your best and get to your best. But most importantly, people who care about you is the most valuable asset to have in life.

What are cute quotes?

In my opinion, some of the best cute quotes I’ve read are the following:
“There’s nothing that can help you understand your beliefs more than trying to explain them to an inquisitive child.” By Frank A. Clark
“We were together. I forget the rest.” By Walt Whitman

Do your best quotes?

Some of the most inspiring do your best quotes are
“Do the best you can, with what you can, while you can, and success is inevitable.” By Steve Maraboli
“Doing your best is more important than being the best.” By Zig Ziglar

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